PE is a very important subject, here at Hawkinge Primary School and we strive to provide every child with opportunities to take part and compete in sport, as well as enjoy a range of sporting activities. We believe sport should be an important part of any school. Great schools have long known that sporting excellence and participation, alongside strong cultural opportunities, go hand in hand with high academic standards.

As part of the push for sport in school, the government has given schools PE and Sport premium funding. Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport.

We receive £16,000 a year, along with an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

At Hawkinge Primary School, in order to continue to raise the profile of PE, we have chosen to invest some of the funding in a programme of development offered by Shepway Sports Trust for Shepway Schools. This package includes access to:


The opportunity to support children with additional needs (physical, emotional, social etc.)


Coaches from local sports clubs


training and development of both children and staff’s PE knowledge


The opportunity to be involved in competitive school games both locally and at county level


A gifted and talented pupil identification programme



As part of The Vicus Trust, we have worked closely with The Churchill School in developing a shared curriculum for PE and we have also begun to develop a programme of shared activities linked in with our PE lessons. For example, Year 5 and 6 children took part in a collaborative event at the community centre where the children worked together to perform a barn dance linked to their programme of work.  We also had a cricket tournament in the summer term, where the children enjoyed a bit of healthy competition and celebrated the sportsmanship values they are taught in school.

The Daily K

Every child at Hawkinge Primary School takes part in the Daily K. It’s a social activity where the children run or jog one kilometre a day, at their own pace, for 15 minutes every day and it improves focus in the classroom. Its aim is to improve the physical, social, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances. We began trialling the Daily KM during the first lockdown and it has been a whole school activity since that time.

Below are documents that can be downloaded to find out more about our PE provision.

Year 6 Swimming Data 2022 - 2023

School Sports News

To see regular sports updates and reports please look at the weekly newsletter sent out. To see the latest pictures of sports in school and of Folkestone school games events please see the picture gallery.

Cross Country 





We run a range of sports clubs that change termly including a range of invasion games, racket sports, dance and gymnastic clubs. Please see the school Facebook page or newsletters for more information. 

Promoting healthy lifestyles

Healthy lifestyles

The NHS recommend that children need to be physically active for 60 minutes a day. 30 minutes of this physical activity should take place during school hours and the other 30 minutes should happen at home.

Research shows that physical activity can help children in lots of ways:

· Improves behaviour, self-confidence and social skills

· Improves attention levels and performance at school

· Develops co-ordination

· Strengthens muscles and bones

· Improves health

· Maintains healthy weight levels

· Helps children sleep better

· Improve their mood and make them feel happy

· Helps prevents illness and disease

· Gives them the foundations to lead a healthy life as adults


How we help children with their active 30 minutes.

· Take part in 2 one hour PE lessons a week

· Run the daily K

· Provide regular physical sensory breaks in lessons

· Encourage children to get involved in physical sports and games at break times and lunchtimes by using the adventure trail, all weather sports areas, field, gym equipment and active playground markings

· We identify children with any barriers to sport and have systems in place to help support them

· We run a range of sports clubs for all age groups

· Take part in local sports competitions regularly

· Invite local clubs, athletes and organisations to promote sports and healthy lifestyles

· All staff role model wellness and promote a healthy lifestyle


Here are some ways families can promote childrens physical activity at home:

· Walk, scoot or cycle to school

· Get your children involved in a range of sports clubs at school and in our local area

· Visit our local sports centres, parks, swimming centres, F51 centre, Folkestone Sea Sports centre etc.

· Talk to your children about how they can be more physically active and get them to choose how they would like to do this

· Take part in an online workout or dance to some music

· Make time to do three lots of 10 minute physical activities again