Learning Themes

The tables below outline our school themes for this year and last year.

This table shows the learning themes for this academic year – 2023 – 2024

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Foundation Stage

Who am I?

Why are the lights shining?

Are all houses the same?

What can I be when I am older?

What grows on a farm?

Where are the Olympics?

Year 1 & 2

How do you find a mini beast?

Who's awake at night?

Where is 'The Outback?

What happened in Pudding Lane?

When do we need change?

Why is sport important?

Year 3 & 4

How has Ancient Greece influenced our lives today?

How have rainforests changed over time?

What was life like in Ancient Benin?

Why did the Anglo Saxons come to Britain?

Who were The Tudors?

Why is France an ideal country to host the Olympics?

Year 5 & 6

Why are rivers important?

How has theatre evolved over time?

How did the Roman Invasion change Britain? 

Why does farming matter?

Why do we remember World War 2?

How can sport change lives?

This table shows the learning themes for last year 2022/23.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Term 5

Term 6

Foundation Stage

What is it like at Hawkinge Primary School?

What special events are happening?

Are all countries the same?

How high is the sky?

Where are the bears?

Why are the dinosaurs extinct?

Year 1& 2

What shall I wear today?

Why are footballers going to Qatar?

What is it like in India?

Where could you find Punch and Judy?

What can you find on an island?

Who says 'ahoy'?

Year 3 & 4

What evidence did the first civilisations leave behind?

How has Qatar prepared for the world cup?

How did the Victorian Era influence life in Britain?

Where in the world is Mother Nature most destructive? 

What has been the greatest Ancient Egyptian discovery?

What can be found in space?

Year 5 & 6

Would the Titanic disaster still happen today?

How is Qatar able to host the World Cup in 2022?

How has the British Justice System evolved over time?

How did the Viking invasions change Britain?

How easy is it to survive in a mountainous region?

What is the 'Sunshine State' really like?