The Arts
Hawkinge Primary school values a broad and balanced curriculum most of which is taught in a themed based approach. These themes are cross curricular in nature and ensure provision for a wide range of arts each term.
Each year group work closely as a team to build an exciting offer for the Arts. Themes are reviewed on an annual basis ensuring each year group can personalise themes with greater relevance to the children. Within themes children have a range of opportunities to engage with practising artists, musicians, dancers and both story tellers, theatre groups and visiting art galleries.
Miss Bull is our Art leader, she loves being the lead teacher for Art because she sees art as a fantastic opportunty for children to express themselves. Mrs Hogg supports Miss Bull and she is keen to be able to inspire children with her own creativity.
Mrs Rand is our Music leader, she joins with Miss Bull and Mrs Hogg to form ‘The Arts’ team. Mrs Rand enjoys leading Music in the school as it is a creative subject that gives everyone a chance to be imaginative, perform to others and develop listening skills. She says that as a musician herself she realises how important these skills are to help children develop confidence and resilience too.
In January 2023 we were awarded Artsmark Gold. The Arts Council made the following comments:
‘You clearly have a long-term commitment to arts and culture which is beginning to have measurable effects on staff, pupils and parental engagement. Pupils can access a consistent range of arts and cultural provision through work with local arts and cultural organisations, both in school and on visits outside the classroom, which leads to showcasing in school and the local community. The arts are a clear driver in school planning and your curriculum. Your partnerships with Strange Cargo and Creative Folkstone sound great as they provided both work with pupils and CPD for staff…
You have seen overall staff confidence increase through internal support and have supported the art lead through specialist training’
Click here to read our ‘Progression of Skills and Knowledge Document for Art’
Click here for our Art Curriculum Overview
Click here to read our ‘Long Term Planning Document’ for Art
Click here to read our ‘Progression of Skills and Knowledge Document for Music’
Click here for our Music Curriculum Overview
Click here to read our ‘Long Term Planning Document’ for Music
Click here to read our Music Development Plan

The school also engages with the local community in a range of arts from formal performances, to art and craft sessions and local competitive arts events along with parades and other show casing events such as the Folkestone Triennial. As a school we work closely with a local theatre The Quarterhouse, children have had the opportunity to showcase their own work in their gallery in Folkestone for parents and the public to come and view their artwork. This is something that has and will continue in the future because it was such a motivating and inspiring opportunity for the children. The school supports children’s music development through opportunities to work with a specialist music teacher learning keyboard, guitar and woodwind instruments.

“I loved the triennial trip and using our imagination to make our own boat.” Year 4 child
“I loved the didgeridoo man and having a go myself.” Year 2 child
“I love Art, drawing is my favourite!” Year 1 child