Mrs Maitland and Miss Tappenden are the leaders of PSHE in our school.

At Hawkinge Primary School, we believe that promoting the health & wellbeing of our pupils is an important part of their overall education. During their Personal Social Health & Economic lessons (PSHE), pupils will gain the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to lead confident, healthy and independent lives. It will allow them to become informed, active and responsible members of society.

Our education programme is continually evolving in response to the latest updates from the Department for Education (DfE) and other initiatives to ensure that it reflects current best practice. It is tailored to the meet the needs of our children and families. Our PSHE curriculum is designed around the “5 Ways to Wellbeing”,

 CLICK HERE to find out more

Children are supported to reflect on what it means to be a good citizen and the positive impact they can have on the world around them. We explore various themes within PSHE, including all kinds of relationships, physical/emotional health & the skills needed to live in the wider world. Pupils are given the opportunity to learn through practical exercises alongside classroom learning. Lessons are taught by posing questions to encourage discussion and debate on a wide range of moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

We aim to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, in specific lessons, circle time sessions and whole-school events that enrich pupils’ experiences and raise awareness of local and global issues. By modelling positive relationships between staff, children and their families, we aim to create a happy, purposeful and supportive environment where children are enabled to become successful learners, develop their full potential and achieve the highest educational standards they can. The purpose of our PSHE lessons is to help pupils feel confident to go out and explore the world so they can make safe and informed decisions during their school years and beyond.

Throughout the PSHE curriculum, there is an ongoing focus on how children can keep themselves and others safe, both in the real world and online.  We regularly reference e-safety in lessons alongside more focused events such e-safety week.  Children learn basic first aid skills and we have visitors who deliver assemblies on fire safety and road safety.  Children are taught how to keep their bodies and minds healthy, looking at the links between physical and mental health.  From Reception up to year 6, children are taught about emotional literacy and are supported to develop their own emotional regulation skills. Throughout all year groups, children are encouraged to explore their inspirations and their aspirations. We want our pupils to feel that they can reach for the stars!

Children at our school are encouraged to contribute to the school community, thinking about the small ways we can all make a positive difference. This ranges from increasing awareness of environmental issues to being mindful of using kind words and behaviour. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can go on to make and maintain healthy, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

Children at Hawkinge Primary School also give back to our local communities.  We explore economy, environment and charity, assisting them to plan and carry out activities to help protect, improve and help our school and the local area. This helps to raise children’s awareness and helps them to recognise their role in looking after the environment. It also allows pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society – recognising and respecting the varying needs of members of their communities at home, school, locally and globally.

We also offer a robust transition programme for our year 6 pupils which includes lessons and activities in and outside of school to introduce them to the new challenges and opportunities of secondary school life. We aim to help them mark the ending of a significant part of their childhood in positive ways and get them excited about future possibilities as they prepare to move on from primary school and into the next stage of their education and development.


Effective RSE is crucial to developing and maintaining emotional and physical health.  We believe that the teaching of sex education should be complementary and supportive to the role of parents and should have regard to parents’ views on its content and presentation. Our RSE programme is designed following consultation with parents, to meet the statutory requirements of DfE guidance.

Our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programme is taught within PSHE lessons and forms part of our Safeguarding strategy. By receiving timely, factual information children can feel empowered to make healthy choices for themselves and to speak up when they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

RSE is planned to ensure pupils receive their sex education in the wider context of relationships where they will also learn about bodily autonomy and consent. Our approach to RSE places a strong emphasis on recognising and maintaining healthy relationships as pupils grow from children into adolescence.

You can find our RSE Policy using this link:

Please click here for our Progression of Skills and Knowledge in PSHE

Please click here for our Coverage in PSHE
